Aid Station Information

50 KM Course

                                  Aid Station
Dist to      Next
Cut Off
Elev.  Crew
START  0  2.9  START  8,000′ Y
Freds  2.9  3.9  Full Service 9:00 am  9,794′
Base/Main 6.8 3.6 Full Service/Drop Bags 8,000′  Y
Ski Tent 10.4 4.1 Self Service – Water/HEED Only 8,075′
Teton Canyon 14.5 3.1 Full Service/Drop Bags* (*50KM Only) 12:30 pm 6,730′  Y
Cold Springs 17.6 3.3 Limited Service:  Water/HEED, Gels 1:45 pm 7,455′  Y
Ski Tent 20.9 4.4 Self Service – Water/HEED Only   8,075′
Base/Main 25.3 4.5 Full Service/Drop Bags Must Depart for Rick’s Basin/ Section C by 5:00pm 8,000′  Y
Rick’s Basin 29.8 1.4 Self Service – Water Only 8,010′
FINISH 31.2 FINISH 6:30 pm 8,000′  Y


Name Mile  Dist. to  Next
Services  Cut Off               Elev.      Crew
START 0 2.9 START 8,000′ Y
Freds 2.9 3.9 Full Service 9:00 am 9,794′
Base/Main 6.8 2.8 Full Service/Drop Bags 8,000′ Y
Ski Tent 9.6 4.1 Self Service – Water/HEED Only 8,075′
Teton Canyon 13.7 3.1 Full Service/Drop Bags (50KM Only) 12:30 pm 6,730′ Y
Cold Springs 16.8 3.3 Limited Service – Water/HEED, Gels 1:45 pm 7’455′ Y
Ski Tent 20.1 2.7 Self Service – Water/HEED Only 8,075′
Base/Main 22.8 2 FullService/Drop Bags Must Depart for Rick’s Basin/Section C by 5:30 pm 8,000′
Rick’s Basin 24.8 1.4 Self Service – Water Only 8,010′
FINISH 26.2 FINISH 6:30 pm 8,000′ Y

 10KM Course

Name                            Mile      Dist. to Next Services                                         Elev.
START 0 4.8 Self Service – Water Only 8’000′
Rick’s Basin 4.8 1.4 8,010′
FINISH 6.2 8,000′