Grand Teton Races / AID Station Update

Please note, the 2 satellite water stations on the course are both self-service.  Participants in all events, including the 10K, should carry a hydration source (water bottle or bladder system) while on the course. There will be a limited food supply at the Cold Springs AS (due to bear sighting) so you can expect the following there: drinks (Hammer Heed and sodas), gels and a small selection of food (chips, hard candy).  While we suggest that every participant carry a supply of things they like, all of the other full-service aid stations will have: Hammer Heed (Strawberry or Orange), sodas (coke, ginger ale, mt. dew, sprite or similar), snacks (eg: Hammer gel, chips, pretzels, hard candy, cookies, m&ms, pb&j sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, fruit, plus other random selections); electrolyte tablets; vaseline; sunscreen; bug spray and ice.  Click here for the link to the AID Station detail page.