GTR Training Clinic

Whether you want to get ready for your first 10k or looking for a 50 miler PR, Lisa’s GTR training clinic is for all abilities and levels.

We will meet Mondays at 6 pm at Teton HS track and Wednesdays at 5:30 at Dreamchasers.

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GTR Training Clinic

Starts Monday, July 26
Mondays @ 6 & Wednesdays @ 5:30

Topics include: gait analysis, running form, running hills and flats, cross training, stretching, hydration, fueling, nutrition, training plan for your distance, and recovery plan.

The cost is $80 for the 6 week clinic. The rate includes a 30 minute one on one session with Lisa, scheduled at your convenience.

Fun Fitness for the Kids will be available Mondays and Wednesdays during training sessions. Great rates and reservations needed.