Heading West

Lisa’s amazing journey is on day 40. Today, 50 miles is being completed in Green Bay, WI. She is less than 1000 miles prayeraway from the goal. The ups and downs of each day, each run, is accompanied by Lisa’s incredible crew and all the love and support she is receving in each state. The athletic feat Lisa is accomplishing is only paled in comparison to the cause.

The compassion that I have for myself has grown through this process. It seems like the more open I am to accepting my own pain and suffering the easier I can deal with it. I’ve learned to say my feet hurt, but somewhere else in the world someone’s feet hurt more. I’ve learned to say I’m feeling upset, but someone else may be losing a loved one to hunger, AIDS, or another tragedy. The more I accept my pain, the more I can relate to others, and the more I learn from my beautiful life that’s a shared work in progress.~ Lisa Smith Batchen

There are many opportunities to be part of this project. For more information visit www.runhope.com or join Running Hope Through America on Facebook and Twitter.