2012 MDS Lottery Update

IMPORTANT UPDATE ON THE 2012 MDS LOTTERY: Due to a glitch with the lottery submission system, we have had to delay the lottery process while we confirm all of the names entered are currently listed in our database.  We apologize for the delay and hope to have everything worked out as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

0 thoughts on “2012 MDS Lottery Update

  1. Jacob K

    What happened to the end of November? I am a military member and getting approval is a lengthy process, are you going to expect us to just put down a 200$ deposit with out coordinating with sponsors and what not? I mean at this point we will have almost no time before the deadline and will have to make a choice without being able to properly coordinate.

    To be honest it should only have taken a few days to check entrant names, it’s not a complicated process.

  2. Iain M.

    I’m sure we are all very eager to know what is going on with this, and I am probably not the only one who has been desperately trying to get *any* news over the past month.

    I was very much hoping to know by now and am concerned that I will not have enough time to make the necessary plans and provisions in order to participate in this event should I be one of the entrants selected in the lottery.

    Will people accepted into the 2012 now be given the option to defer until 2013 without penalty?

  3. Barb S.

    Has anyone heard anything about the results of the lottery? Is there a different link? What is going on?

  4. Kaye

    This is a complete mystery? Like Barb commented – is there another link we don’t know about?
    I’m beginning to think I’m not meant to go if the lottery is this complicated!!!!!!!!

  5. Crystal

    Hi Guys, I’m entered in the 2012 lottery and (probably like many of you) am checking the website every day hoping for some update. I emailed numerous addresses several times and finally got this repsonse from Jay Batchen “Thank you for your patience with the registration process. I am still working with the race organizers on the number of entry spots that will be available for the 2012 event. In doing this, there is a chance that a new system could be in place where there would be a dedicated representative in your region. I apologize for the delay while we work through this.” There were no response about timing, but I think I’ll just wait until then end of January and if I don’t hear anything by then, it might be the Atacama Crossing for 2012 instead….

  6. Barb S.

    A post to this page by Dream Chasers, would have been prudent, in order for people to make their plans. I do hope they update everyone in the very near future.
    Thanks for letting us know what you found out, Crystal!

  7. Barb S.

    Holy cow! Just checked, the list is up, and I’m on it!!
    Wow! Will we be receiving emails about when $ is due, etc.?
    Thank you!

  8. John.N

    Congrats to all the Canadians and Americans selected, looks like us Aussies and Kiwis will have to wait at least a few more months before any selection process is undertaken.Good luck putting in the long miles, enjoy the process!!!