Boot Camp- New Drill Sergeant in a Dress

Don’t let her sweet little flower print Nuu Mu dress fool you. Lisa is going to use the outdoors to work you out. Plan on leaping, bounding, walking, and running from one end of Driggs City Park to the other. But don’t worry, Lisa will make sure you are smiling, sweating, laughing, and cursing the whole time. All levels and abilities are welcome and encouraged!

boot-camp Boot Camp begins at o600 hours. (That is 6 am, for you civilians). Starting Tuesday, July 6. Driggs City Park (unless raining, then classes will be at Dreamchasers). Boot Camp is also offered at 6 pm on Tuesdays.

~Please note, Boot Camp is the regular 6 am & 6 pm Dreamchaser classes, now being held at Driggs City Park.